Proyecto Marenda

MARENDA project

Support to the maritime transport in Africa

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MARENDA project “Development of port database interchange mechanism, marine environment protection and emergency response performance” was funded by the European Commission and awarded by the ACP Group of States through the 10th EDF Intra-ACP envelope. It started on 15th March 2014 and had a three years of duration.

The overarching objectives of MARENDA project were:

  • The improvement of maritime data management in ports and regional exchange of data by setting up an AIS regional data exchange network, providing appropriate IT tools and delivering training activities to make the system operational.

  • The improvement of emergency response mechanisms against maritime pollution by delivering technical assistance, a capacity building programme and the basis and tools for setting up bilateral and multilateral agreements.

MARENDA scope included Western and Central African countries. Five countries and associated ports were selected to develop the core project activities: Sénégal (Dakar port), Ghana (Tema port), Nigeria (Lagos port), Cameroon (Douala port) and Cote d´Ivoire (Abidjan port) but main outcomes are being/will be transferred to all the WCA region with the support of key regional organizations (PMAWCA, RMU and ARSTM).